04 January 2009

Of Blogs, Blogging and Blogojevich...Oh, and I'M BACK!

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a task left long undone becomes next to impossible to tackle! I've left my blog for so long I'm beyond rusty. And Dorothy with her oilcan is nowhere in sight. So I'll just have to crank back into gear on my own power here. If you hear a whack, whir, wheeze, whine, sputter, splat, squirt, scrape, clink, clank, clunk, clatter, crash, bang, beep, buzz, ring, rip, roar, retch, twang, toot, tinkle, thud, pop, plop, plunk, pow, snort, snuk, sniff, smack, screech, splash, squish, squeek, jingle, rattle, squeel, boing, honk, hoot, hack, belch...it's just me, stretching my blog limbs again.*

*With thanks to Jane Austin and Todd Rundgren, from whom I stole the opening and closing of the paragraph.

So how are you all in blogville nowadays? Nowadays filled with Gaza, Iraq and Mumbai; cool ash, foreclosures and inaugurations; Warrens, Blagojeviches and Kennedys? Hmmm. Maybe I shouldn't have taken up the blog reins again quite so fast...

Naw. I'll jump in. But just in the shallow end.

I understand the democrats are planning to unceremoniously oust the honorable Mr. Roland Burris from the Senate before he gets to put a crease in his trousers.


And so we're off and running into 2009 with the exact same attitude toward THE LAW that defined 2008. Just what is the difficulty the dems have with following laws, rules and directives? Here are a few that come to mind:

*The presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. This is covered by the 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments to the Constitution. And it should cover Blogojevich in his present pickle, if I'm not mistaken.

*When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of each State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. This is from the 17th Amendment to the Constitution. And it should speak to Blagojevich's duties, again, if I'm not mistaken.

*Did I mention 'Everyone is supposed innocent until having been declared guilty'? This is broached in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the legal codes of untold numbers of the nations of the world.

But it's evidently not included in our majority leader's vocabulary. Just this morn I listened to him declare Blagojevich guilty of contemptuous crimes, thereby nullifying that governor's rights and duties of office.


I guess we can just dispense with that whole indictment, plea and jury business.


cls said...

After the Dems actions in 2008, none of this surprises me at all. I keep thinking that I can't get any more disgusted, and then the Dems sink to another low.

Where the hell are people like us supposed to go?

Blue Lyon

Cathylee said...

And why the hell have the dems lost their way?

I do know one thing...they're not going to find it again. They've had too many opportunities and have sneered in the face of every one.

We have to take our toys and go play someplace else, Carissa. We might be surprised at how many more of us are waiting to find a sandbox filled with kids that play by the rules.

Anna Belle said...

Fantastic post. I couldn't agree more. Many thanks to BL's blogroll for sending me here.

Cathylee said...

Thanks, Anna Belle, and welcome! Blue Lyon points me in so many new directions, too. We all may appear a random lot, but there's a gathering strength in our indignation and a common desire to find a better way.