28 July 2008

A Stunningly Sneaky Run for the Presidency

If there's anything I really dislike, it's slimy dealings. For the American media to harp incessantly on the 200,000 people who attended Senator Obama's speech in Berlin, all the while omitting the preceding two concerts by favorite European bands, AND free pizza, beer and bratwurst, is simply repugnant.

Evidently, this sort of modus operandi is not without precedent in the Obama camp. With respect and thanks to justsaynodeal.com, I excerpt a fragment of their comment on this mucky affair, and another, similar one:

“While coverage of Senator Obama's Berlin speech provided audiences here at home nothing less than a visual "shock and awe," it neglected to mention that the well-hyped speech had an opening act: a gratis concert by two wildly popular groups....

While we appreciate the Obama Campaign's hospitality, on behalf of furthering US-Germany relations, offering free bratwurst, pizza and even beer for three hours during the free rock concert, we question whether or not the monies might have been better spent here on financially strapped US citizens.

Similarly, back on May 20, 2008 in Portland, Oregon, Senator Obama took the stage following the critically acclaimed local band The Decemberists, who gave a rare free concert for 75,000 fans. While news stories generated by both appearances focused on the enormity of the crowd size, few mentioned the accompanying perks, leaving some to question whether revelers are showing up for Senator Obama or for free food and entertainment.

Without this additional information, Just Say No Deal contends that Americans are being misled about the presumptive Democratic nominee’s true popularity."

Misled? I'd certainly say so. Remember when we learned that a lie is still a lie when it's a fully cognizant omission? Guess the media missed that lesson.


cls said...

The Obama-palooza tour was purely for American consumption, with the anchors of the three major networks breathlessly hanging on his every word and gesture.

Such a sickening sight.

paulrevere said...

From BartCop.com today...

Subject: Obama's Berlin event and "Freibier"
Hey Bart,
Just read Gary from New York's missive about Obama and the 200,000 in Berlin.
Gotta ask, where did Gary get the info that Obama gave out free beer, Bratwürst (brats) and pizza?
I live in Germany, have for over fifteen years, and nobody, ever, gives out free food and beer
to 200,000 people (they never do it in the USA, either). If there were free beer and food being
given out in Berlin for that speech, or for any other occasion, it would be in the news here, written big.
It wasn't.
Haven't heard a word about it.
And yes, I am fluent in German and listen to the news and read the papers here..
Just asking: Gary, can you substantiate that statement? I don't believe you can.
Thanks Bart,
Joe in Germany