20 October 2008

Regarding the Vastly Vaunted Endorsement of Senator Obama by Colin Powell...

The media is rewriting history and I find that terrifying.

When I worked in intelligence, I became very familiar with the compelling insidiousness of propaganda, all the while I was clothed in the lofty knowledge that our country was largely above such devious and deceitful methods of dealing with its populace.

We've come a long way, Citizens.

Now I'm not so naïve as to think our media is free of proselytism, or ever has been, but we have now arrived at a place where the majority of facts are not just being parsed, or slanted, or omitted, or ignored—ALL of which describe what the Fourth Estate has done in this last shocking decade--but rather, invented. Our national media is taking it upon themselves to rewrite history.

As Blue Lyon cogently says on her blog, the Colin Powell of yesterday's endorsement bears little resemblance to the Colin Powell we all know and love. She also discusses the hypocrisy of the left in their embrace of a sometimes-reviled Republican, but as the left barrels remorselessly down its path of no-return, I'm learning to step out of the way rather than be mown down.

I've no such compunction with our national media. It continues to be an outrage of the highest order that our sources of information—FACTS—can be wholly controlled by an increasingly powerful corporatocracy with everything but Americans' interests at heart.

For reasons that I still cannot thoroughly refine in my mind, it serves our media best to elect Senator Obama to the presidency. For this, it will pervert and scorn any and every 'fact' that comes its way. The latest incarnation of this is the glow that surrounds Colin Powell. To listen to the media, he is the most respected voice in America, the voice of reason, the final say.

So let's go back a lot of years. I liked him. He seemed fine, upstanding, honest, honorable. That was until he joined the Bush team and then Colin 'Macbeth' Powell went over to the dark side. And in the worst way possible. He used the esteem of the military and his laudatory service in it to dupe the countries of the world. If smarmy Cheney had made that same presentation at a plenary session of the UN, postulating the lethality of Iraq's intentions, there might have been some hesitancy to sign on. But Powell is a soldier, endowed with all the dignity, honor, and respect of his military career and years. When C.L. Powell speaks, people listen.

And with his help, the Iraq slaughter was born. He betrayed the troops who would die for years to come by using the honor of his uniform and all that entails. I find that insupportable.

Disgraceful too, is the betrayal of his oath. It is incumbent on every officer to desist from obeying an unlawful order. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) says,

'An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed, but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders -- if the order was illegal.'

The last I heard, the order to lie is illegal. He knew what he was doing when he lied straight into the eyes and ears of the world, watching and trusting what he would say.

And this is the man who has now endorsed Obama, the man whose endorsement is the final jewel in the crowning of the media candidate, the man who holds all sway over our voting choice because he and his honorable career are unimpeachable.

Nice invention, media. I marvel that you think you may rewrite a history that is still ongoing.

Our kids are still dying in Iraq and Powell's words helped put them there.

Rewriting history only works if we let it.


cls said...

Brava!! Yes, I am choking today on the thousands of American's dead and the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's dead, but in the "progressive" (gag) blogosphere champagne glasses are clinking.

I really want to go throw up.


Ron said...

Ah yes, the glory days, when General Powell was an honorable soldier, Rumsfeldt was a genius, Cheney was a steady hand, and GWB was a plain spoken conservative businessman. Lord help us, we know not what we do.

The fact that so many neo-cons are jumping ship, and returning to their Marxist roots, can only be a good thing for Republicans. Too bad for the country, but maybe some kind of realignment might come out of all this.

SFIndie said...

The media is rewriting history and I find that terrifying.

I find this whole election process terrifying! If I didn't know this was the U.S.A., I'd think I was living in some banana republic in Central America.

Cathylee said...

That's the same eerie feeling I've had for last six or seven months, sfindiepuma. It just doesn't seem like the country I grew up in and loved to come home to...

Some of us knew what we'd done when others put Bush in there, local so-and-so, and realists know we cannot go back, but the way we're fast-forwarding now is dismaying.

I think we've a long way to go to reach just before the dawn.

paulrevere said...

Not to be contradictory or even unduly critical here, but I would suggest that you research Powell's career beginning as a field commander during the Tet offensive. His reputation was that of one who had only his career in mind. He made decisions that as I understand the venue, cost lives needlessly...in the name of necessity but a necessity which shined for his advancement...unsubstantiated invective, I realize, but the information is out there. One could also research his role in the white flag slaughter of 200,000 plus Republican Guard fleeing from Kuwait at the end of the first Gulf War...the Air Force was called in, along with a fast attack army mechanized unit and they commenced to annihilate the entire retreat for over 150 km as the Iraqi's were waving white flags and running towards Baghdad, defeated and out of ammo.
That is what I know of Powell.
Doubt Nothing Question Everything

Cathylee said...

Omigosh, paulrevere. I really didn't know the things you enumerate, and which I veer toward believing outright because you've impressed me as someone who does his homework and does not speak off the cuff. I'm discouraged at your words and certainly have been bamboozled, but as a former military member, I'm well well aware of those who use the service as a self-aggrandizing vehicle. It's a pity Powell didn't even have decent beginnings to lessen the impact of his pathetic ends.

paulrevere said...

a bit from Wiki on the Viet Nam stint to which you have to read between the lines...

In that post, he was charged with investigating a detailed letter by Tom Glen (a soldier from the 11th Light Infantry Brigade), which backed up rumored allegations of the My Lai Massacre. Powell wrote: "In direct refutation of this portrayal is the fact that relations between American soldiers and the Vietnamese people are excellent." Later, Powell's assessment would be described as Whitewashing the news of the massacre, and questions would continue to remain undisclosed to the public.

"As a military strategist, Powell has advocated an approach to military conflicts that maximizes the potential for success and minimizes casualties. A component of this approach is the use of overwhelming force, which he applied to Operation Desert Storm in 1991. His approach has been dubbed the "Powell Doctrine."

And a link to 'The Highway of Death' story...although, not as graphic nor grandiose as some I have read this will give you an idea of the brutality Powell has been willing to allow...


Doubt Nothing Question Everything

Anonymous said...

those aren't the words of the UCMJ at all. the UCMJ talks only of following LAWFUL orders. See Art 90, 91, and 92 respectively.