05 September 2008

Speak Up For Equal Rights, Americans! Even When Your Party Forgets To Do So

Just a few passages to encapsulate the last few freaky days...

“After decades of pushing equal rights and treatment for women, the Left is backtracking. Suddenly motherhood – well, at least too much motherhood or too-complicated motherhood – is incompatible with executive responsibility. Fathers with little children or complex family issues – even some who cheated on their wives – have held office without having to justify their continuing careers. Yet women once again face a very different standard.

Who knew that beyond the glass ceiling feminists vowed to shatter there existed another barrier, imposed by feminists themselves? What happened to choice? To having it all? Have we had a paradigm shift since Aug. 29? What's to stop Governor Palin from doing it all?”

Why, the democrats!

They wish.

“A week ago, most Americans had never heard of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Now, following a Vice Presidential acceptance speech viewed live by more than 40 million people, Palin is viewed favorably by 58% of American voters....The new data also shows significant increases in the number who say McCain made the right choice and the number who say Palin is ready to be President. Generally, John McCain's choice of Palin earns slightly better reviews than Barack Obama's choice of Joe Biden.”

I guess all that invective spewed by Ed Schultz and all that condescension disgorged by Rachel Maddow were colossal wastes of time. Or perhaps not...

“51% of Americans believe that most reporters are trying to hurt Palin's campaign, a fact that may enhance her own ratings.”

Oh yeah! Fight back, Americans!

“Perhaps most stunning is the fact that Palin's favorable ratings are now a point higher than either man at the top of the Presidential tickets this year..."

Imagine that.

Despite all the efforts of the democrats to assure there would be no woman near the Oval Office in 2008, it just might happen. And if it does, the republicans are going to get to take the honors, not only for breaking the glass ceiling, but for shattering the concrete the dems have now erected there, as well.

And they're still pouring that concrete—and getting more and more wild-looking and desperate-sounding as they do it. The name of Palin elicits such facial contortions as to be entertaining.

But as my party goes after Governor Palin's audacity to run for vice president, with, omigosh!, children to be cared for at home, and omigosh!, a daughter who's pregnant but not married, and omigosh!, a husband who collected a DUI 20 years ago, and great balls of fire!, have you seen that shade of pink she was wearing?....

Well, it looks like voters are having none of it.


cls said...

Excellent post! I can just hear you saying this over munchies and a glass of wine.

Speaking of which...we need get together. Party at my house? Sweetie will have to go hunker down somewhere.

Annavedo, you're welcome too!


Cathylee said...

I'd love it. Got this campaign to win, though. It's not a fun one, so I'll be needing that glass of wine...or two!