07 August 2008

A Link to a Worthy Article

This is a phenomenal article. Do go to this site and read it.


Contrary to the hopes of the ruling democratic echelon, Senator Clinton's shadow truly is lengthening.


paulrevere said...

First of all I must caveat what I say next with the frame that I am a patriot and not a partisan. Having worked in military intelligence in the late sixties and early seventies, my skepticism of things governmental runs deep.

I strongly believe in government as a service and tool OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE...corporations are not people...and the wealthy are a small minority OF THE PEOPLE.

That said, I would also comment that dis-information is real and VERY persuasive to MANY. Compartments of our government have inconspicuously spent BILLIONS studying human behavior over the past decades...do not take that lightly...just remember what you have observed over the past eight years and how 'down the rabbit hole' many of us have eventually felt, particularly in the realization of how broad wing spanned the 'Kool-Aid' effect has been. This was not accident, luck nor coincidence...

So...I say this noting your lucidity and that of those who post here. Check out the Hoover Institute, Stanford University and read a couple of the other articles by the author (Victor Hanson) of the piece you find enticing. What seeds are these clever pricks sowing?

Doubt Nothing...Question Everything

Cali Angel said...

Very well put! Way to spot the Red Coats my friend! So paul, do you believe David Elsewhere is an alien?

paulrevere said...

Heh...David Elsewhere?...definitly groovin' between dimensions! You do know that real aliens are believed to be chameleon like shape shifters able to negotiate dimensional realities beyond our wildest speculations...DE has potential for suspicion me thinks!

Doubt Nothing...Question Everything