26 August 2008

Slip-Sliding Away

With my son duly college-enrolled, my daughter to follow in what seems like a blink of time, and the world to inherit them both so very soon—I'd like to weigh in on the historic presidential election upon us.

I say 'historic' because it's the first one in which I won't be throwing a democratic vote for president the nominee's way. Had the Democrats followed the rules, distributed delegates fairly, allowed the voters to honestly choose whom they wished to represent them, I'd have ante-ed up. Whether I liked the nominee or not.

However, all this business about unity and coming together and getting behind the nominee only works if we got to the goal with integrity. I vehemently refuse to validate cheating and lying and sliming with my vote.

But that conviction places me in the minority. And that's what alarms me. Here's why:

When we say the system is corrupt, or it's faulty, or it rewards the undeserving, and yet we must do the best we can to work within it—it continues it! It validates it. It negates what came before.

But you, the voter, see no other way. So you shrug your shoulders, take a deep breath, and vote the party line. With that action, you erase what you know to be right. You accept the flawed process and you bow to the inevitability of an increasingly flawed and corrupt system for each and every time to come.

But here's something to think about. WE are the system. WE are the party, the voters, the delegates. We are not, contrary to the democratic leaders of a wrecked party, puppets on a string. WE ARE THE SYSTEM. So when we vote to validate, we vote to degenerate.

I get this picture...we're sitting on a long seat in a subway train. 'We' are the system, the voting populace, the families that want to hand a good world over to their children. And each time we accept the adulteration of our rules and our integrity, we get shoved down the bench.

...the Supreme Court has the right to step into an American election...oops...slipped down that bench a bit...
...habeas corpus can now be withheld by the president....oops...slide a little farther...
...three equal branches of government can be negated by signing statements and executive orders issued from one branch...oops...slip-slidin' here...
...Iraq did not attack us and yet we did not rise up in the streets, even when that knowledge was officially confirmed...oops...
...Geneva Conventions? Archaic!...oops...
...one contender for president gets all the marbles, regardless of votes—sorry, other contender! (Women just aren't yet ready for prime time, or so we're told in relentless, countless ways)...oops....
....and so on....

So here we are, in my little picture. Hanging off the subway bench. On every one of the bullets above, the Democrats had the chance, no, the responsibility, to speak up. To right us. To shove us back down the honorable bench. They didn't.

We're just hanging there. Almost on the floor. And our next move is to vote for the product of stealing delegates, lying unabashedly, cheating to be the nominee?



mystic4hillpuma said...

I couldn't agree with you more! Since casting my first vote for a Democrat in 1972, I've ALWAYS toed the party line. I've always believed that my party, the party that believed in democracy, would stand up for me. But year by year, bit by bit, the party that was supposed to stand up for me pushed me aside. I let them, of course, so I have no one to blame but me.

This year will be different. This year I will NOT toe the party line. As a matter of fact, this year I walked away from the party and became an Independent. And as such, I will vote for John McCain. I won't like doing it, but it's the only way I can ensure that the current Democratic party dies, and along with it all those who took our democratic system and flushed it away.

I won't validate or support what the Democrats did this year. I do see another way, this year. It will be different, this year. And I'll feel better about my vote than I have for many elections, this year.


Cathylee said...

It's remarkable--when we agonize over what we find we finally, simply cannot avoid, we find others who walked the same grim path.

There's strength in those numbers.

And power together.

Thank you for writing.

cls said...

Nor will I endorse what the Democratic Party has done with my vote. Like mystic4hillpuma, I've always been a Democrat. This will be the first year I will not cast my vote for the Democratic nominee. To do so is to tacitly agree with what they've done. I Do Not Agree.


AD said...

Indeed, the Democratic Party has the responsibility to speak up.

But you speak as if Barack Obama is the anti-thesis to everything your presumed candidate of choice (judging by your rhetoric) - Hillary Clinton - stood for. It's just not true.

Barack Obama wants every American to have access to health insurance and care through the US government - just like Hillary Clinton does.

Barack Obama wants a responsible withdrawal from Iraq - just like Hillary Clinton does.

Barack Obama wants every American - man, woman, black, white - to have a fair shot at the "American Dream" - just like Hillary Clinton does.

I understand your desire to withhold your vote for Barack Obama on principle, and far from me to tell you to not do it, but your argument that "the system is corrupt... yet we must do the best we can to work within it" is a continuation of it's corruption implies that another Democratic Candidate would be able to side-step this system.

Yet Hillary Clinton is part of that system - to the best of my knowledge, she has not suggested reforming the Democratic party's methodology, and neither has Barack Obama. Neither has, in the past eight years, worked to reform the electoral college system that shafted Al Gore in 2000.

Ask yourself honestly, would you have made the "system-is-broken" argument had Hillary Clinton won 13/14 caucuses and lost 21 of 28 primaries (not sure how you got these numbers, but let's go with it)? Would you have rejected her and the party the same as you do now?

I doubt it. I'm not saying how you should vote, but I do believe there is a loss of perspective among "P.U.M.A's" and JSNDs. I'm not asking you to "fall in line," but merely asking you not to cut off America's nose to spite its face.

CognitiveDissonance said...

Cathylee, I just found your blog via Blue Lyon and am glad I did! I couldn't agree with you more. I am just as outraged about the lying and cheated that got validated in Denver yesterday. And the fact that so much of it was done openly really blows my mind.

But this is exactly why PUMA rose up and will have an effect on this election. And I know there are countless other people who haven't even heard of PUMA who feel the same way. All the Republican women in my family, for example, are as outraged as I am at what happened to Hillary. I'm smelling a McCain landslide by the time we get to November. Then maybe we can reform our mess of a party.

Cathylee said...

Exactly, Carissa and cognitivedissonance--a vote is an endorsement...an endorsement not only of the candidate but of the process, as well. Damned if I'll rubber stamp the manipulation that has put Obama where he is. And yes, cogdis, a landslide is just what we need to force the issue of what the democrats have done to an honorable party. I'm not having the same trouble owning the idea of a McCain vote as many dems. In fact, I've got lots more to say on the subject later today.
And ad: I appreciate the civility and reason of your words. However, I DO doubt your conclusion. I can rationalize a lot when it comes to someone I support, but I draw the line at lying, cheating, and stealing. Obama lied about taking federal campaign funds, about his stance on FISA, about his stance on NAFTA...He cheated and he stole when he accepted those delegates that were not his. Had Clinton behaved in the same way, she'd have lost my support. Instead, she refused to lie about her vote for Iraq, refused to lie about taking money from lobbyists, asked only for the share of delegates she earned and when that was denied, was willing to accept a revote, and steadfastly refused to be anyone but herself. Yes, she's a part of the system. But ANY DAY, I'll take someone who uses a system (however flawed) fairly and honestly, and, once the head of it, is strong enough to change it. I sincerely, and without rancor, do not believe Obama when he opens his mouth. Not voting for Obama is not cutting off my nose to spite my face, but rather understanding that nose is going to lead my face where I don't want to go, because I'm positive there's no going back.

paulrevere said...

I admire the resolve going on on this blog and that of bluelyon. You are making your statement of adherence to principle at THE most opportune time in this countries history.

I believe that America has never been further from the admonitions of our sacred founding documents and papers than we are today...Truly a run away train!

Stopping this bastardization of our countries ethic is an imperative. The times are no less than critical to the survival of this nation. A go along get along, practical politics stance is impotent and no more than an excuse for the passive aggressive amongst us to remain invisible unscathed.

The repukes began their takeover in the 70's and it took them 25 plus patient years. We need to start now and we need to start at the grass roots...town councils, service groups, school boards, county commissions, state and federal electeds...they took 25 years, we can get there much more quickly as we have an abundance of real time communications tools compared to their use of snail mail, mimeographs and telephones and probably smoke signals at some points.

By the next presidential election cycle we can have many states grass roots organizations on board with state wide clout. I do not believe protest is an answer...I believe direct organizing with in your face voting for the best person and aimed at usurping power from the state parties appartchiks who are all in CYA mode all of the time...keep your power at the cost of duping the people...say one thing do another...etc.

I suggest several base points to rally people around could include, making the vote count not only fair but transparent and readily auditable, federally fund all federal elections including time and spending limits a la the UK and other countries, reestablish and enforce anti-trust laws which would give us back the media, bring back posse commitatus which the Patriot Act canceled, federally mandate AND FUND low carbon/no carbon energy independence with definite laws, benchmarks and time frames...to name a few.

Doubt Nothing..Question Everything

Cathylee said...

You laid it out perfectly, paulrevere. There is indeed a real urgency to draw a line. Enough bending, breaking, ignoring of the basic foundations we've put in place. In a more lighthearted way, I feel like Tevye of Fiddler on the Roof: whenever something comes along that challenges the basis for his life and its accompanying framework of rules, he has a conversation with himself. His heart wins each time, until he faces a conflict whose resolution will not only rock his foundation, but critically crack it. It's heartrending to watch him weigh all sides, then throw his hands up, lurch away, saying, 'No! No!

I think so many of us are right there...it's Tevye Time.

cls said...

Perfect analogy! Yes, in this instance there is no "other hand."