14 August 2008

You Get What You Vote For...As Well as the Consequences When You Don't

Nevada held its primary two days ago. Voter turnout, statewide, was 20%.

What do you suppose it might take for Americans to understand the criticality of their involvement in their world?

Let's see. I guess these little matters didn't do it:

  • Our children, and others' children, dying needlessly in Iraq,
  • People from here and away being held against their will and without recourse in Guantanamo,
  • The inalienable right of habeas corpus now alienated,
  • Gas resting at $4 a gallon while oil companies roar with laughter,
  • Countries around the world having passed the stage of incredulity at a president supremely ill-suited for power,
  • An education system bound inexorably toward the voucher system as No Child Left Behind creeps to its goal,
  • Larger and larger swaths of the population joining the ranks of the homeless,
  • Veterans neglected by an administration that is incapable of understanding the lifelong debt owed to the individuals who offered up their lives for lies,
  • Americans now left with no alternatives in the political process as the parties have become indistinguishable in their corruptness, self-aggrandizement, and heedless pursuit of their own private agendas,
  • More and more species of wildlife and tracts of land tossed off the preservation lists,
  • Crime after crime committed by public officials who sneer at the idea of answering to the citizens who put them there...

    And no wonder they sneer. They know their careening, crashing, cataclysmic foray through the Constitution, our pocketbooks, our wildlands, and our honor will never be halted when 20% of the populace votes.

    cls said...

    It's even worse than 20%. According to the SOS web site only 17.97% of active voters voted.


    paulrevere said...

    Pathetic for sure...Now, what to do? We, back to the critical mass of the observant and action oriented, HAVE to recognize the influence of ButtWeiser (double, triple, quadruple entendre intended), sports, sex, Shopping Sickness, pharmaceuticals, and advertising via all forms of media, particularly the tube, as being the main tools of manipulation and establishment of these 'memes'.

    We must expose the duplicity and the rote power of the influence these cretins unconscionably wield. Recognize the amount of effort that is put into poo-pooing the power of advertising...now THAT is a sucker punch if I have ever heard of one!

    I suggest starting with the dilution of the idea that everything which criticizes established values is a conspiracy theory...a conspiracy involves a group of people getting together for a common purpose, no more no less...and to imply that that is a bad thing is seriously flawed.

    Just because I cannot prove that advertising works does not mean that it is not powerful...ummmm, why is the advertising budget in American consumerism in the hundreds of billions of dollars a year? Well, we don't know what works, but ya gotta get your name out there, we know that works...

    What works is facile dismissal of acute observations...could that have something to do with the intentional undermining of public education in this country?

    Doubt Nothing...Question Everything