03 August 2008

Unity Only Counts When it Helps Obama

I've got to wonder when I'll stop being shocked by the actions of Senator Obama. Reason and a good memory would dictate that point to be sometime well past.

But ZAP! He did it again. Lucky thing no one was in the opposite lane of traffic as I wandered into it while staring incredulously at the radio.

So sit back in your chairs to prevent falling out of them...

Today--after behaving thoroughly intractable, and without allowing even the hint of a compromise in the Florida/Michigan 'Dele-gate' affair--my friend the senator has written a letter to the co-chairs of the Democratic National Convention's Credentials Committee. He'd like, now, to give each delegate a full vote at the convention.

Never mind that his campaign was a full and participating party to the stripping and gifting of four Michigan delegates from Clinton to Obama.

Never mind that he chose, along with four other candidates, to remove his name from the Michigan ballot, then voraciously took not only the four delegates that belonged to Clinton, but the rest of the non-Clinton delegates that, minus the debacle of the name removal, would have been split between him and those other four candidates.

Never mind that, with both Clinton and Obama on the ballot in Florida, OBAMA LOST: Clinton got 857,000 votes to Obama's 569,000.

Never mind that in negotiations with the Credentials committee at the time, he steadfastly refused to accept the granting of full votes to either state.

Now he says, “I believe party unity calls for the delegates from Florida and Michigan to be able to participate fully alongside the delegates from the other states and territories”.

My shock has now been supplanted by sheer revulsion.

And hope.

Hope that this latest mendacious, audacious, outrageous maneuver will shake the delegates to their toes and WAKE THEM UP.

It's not too late!

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